Behind the Scenes of a Spiritual Reading

Here's your backstage pass for the behind the scenes of a spiritual reading

I know many of you have gotten a reading before. 

But do you really understand 

or know what's going on around you 

and the reader on both the spiritual and physical planes?

When I got the honor of peaking, 

I was horrified and amazed at the same time.

It's so complicated that it makes the hardest math equation look

like basic arithmetic.

So I'm going to attempt, with my limited language and thoughts,

to try to explain some parts of the process.

Setting the Stage

Before the reading ever commences, 

there's a lot of energy accumulating in the spiritual and physical realm.

Whether the reader is aware of it or not, her spiritual court, is setting the stage

for the questioner's guide to meet and merge energies.

Sort of like around a round table.

Ancestors of both parties are automatically there also.

On the mundane side, some readers will prepare their environment

by clearing their space, mind, & body

to receive message via their external tool and their spiritual facilities.

The questioner, unknowingly sometimes, is receiving a lot of messages

from both their guides and ancestors.

This happens so they can sort of push the questioner to ask questions 

that they need answers to that weren't in the forefront in the beginning.

Most of the times, trickster spirits are also whispering doubtful

messages and thoughts.

Spirit showed me that just as we are surrounded by loving spirits,

we are also surrounded by thousands of not so nice spirits 

who love to give suggestions of doubts, worry, confusion, etc.

And this is why it is so important for readers to call on their 

spiritual protectors, guides, and elevated spirits. 

The Reading Begins

Now that everything is set into motion on both planes, 

when the reader sits down, starts prayer, or whatever they do to 

ring that spiritual bell, that's when the real magic begins.

There's a crowd of spirits around from both parties

with guardians, ancestors, & protectors 

standing guard. Then it's like an ascending

ladder of spirits that goes up according to their 

elevation & purification.

Keep in mind that the more closer to earth's energy

elevated spirits come, the more energy it takes.

It also takes an enormous amount of energy 

for the messengers ( your guides, ancestors)

to make sure you get the information clearly so that you can relay it

to the questioner. 

The majority of spiritual consultants are mediums at some level,

So it's like their spiritual bodies are being bombard by all these energies, 

plus the questioner's energies all at once.

If you pay close attention to many readers,

it looks like they go blank for a minute

or they stop to listen just to be certain that the information

that they're receiving is correct. Because discerning plays a big part of spiritual readings

Remember we are surround constantly with thousands of, let's say, earthbound spirits

who still want to live life through you and are attracted to you by the vibrations 

that you are constantly emitting through your actions, thoughts, & words. 

The Ancestors take over

Our loved ones are our first line of defense & communication

whether you're aware of that or not and the majority of the time

they are our guides aside from our other spiritual guides.

When something is crucial for you to know, 

they will push their way through all the ruckus and relay a message

that you must know.

Again, this doesn't happen with all readers.

It all depends on their level of spiritual awareness.

In some reading sessions, your guides just relays all the information

to your ancestors and they are ones that gives the reader everything 

they need to know.

Unconscious Wall Building

Sometimes spiritual readers are to blame if a certain 

situation is not revealed to the questioner. 

Now, there are charlatans out there. So we'll leave them out of the equation.

 There are universal laws at play on both planes.

The Creator ordains a limit to how much information a reader can "see."

It also depends on the level of the reader's spiritual capacity to receive information.

Another thing that thickens the plot is when the questioner unconsciously or knowingly

blocks the reader. This looks like a massive wall going all around the questioner.

This happens most of the time when the querent thinks that the reader might see things 

that they don't want them to see. 

And it also happens out of spite to test the reader.

When this happens free will kicks in and no one, spiritual or mundane, can do anything about it.

For some situations, the reader has let energies of confusion & chaos take a good hold 

in their aura, that it can block the reader and physically make them sick.

There are also instances where the reader is correct and the questioner is in pure denial. 

The Closing Rites

When the reading is all said and done, a closing prayer is recited

and both parties, spiritual & mundane, separate energetically 

and everything goes "back to normal."

But there is still residual energies still in the environment.

That's why it's so crucial for both parties to do a simple cleansing of 

their space, bodies, and tools for divination.

Because when the reading is occurring, it's like a massive ball of light

radiating and constantly charging up.

Thoughts, intentions, spoken words, & emotions

are energy. 

So everything and everyone has to be cleansed on an energetic level.

And energy is never destroyed. It's either transferred or transformed. 

On a personal note

I am low- key jealous of people who can just pick up cards with no pre & after ritual for divination 

and get away with it. 
It's like they're playing with fire and not getting burned.

Spiritual readings are nothing to play with.

It takes a lot of energy, discipline, discerning, & learning. 

Every time a reader channels or uses some type of tool to divine with,

they are sending a signal to the spiritual realm.

And that signal is loud! 

It attracts spirits like you wouldn't believe. 

That is why some forms of divination systems takes years to master

and you must be initiated and/ or trained to even consider doing it.

I hope you enjoyed the backstage peek of what goes on behind

the scenes of a spiritual reading.

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